
Unlike neurofeedback, which targets the modulation of cerebral activity, biofeedback uses specific sensors to measure physiological activity such as:

Breathing, heart rate, muscular tension or skin conductivity, which may be involved in a stress response.These physiological signals are visible in real time on a screen as feedback. They act as a mirror so the patient can learn to better control and self-regulate their emotions.

The action of biofeedback targets the autonomic nervous system, which is not voluntarily controlled. During the sessions,this learning encourages the patient to:

Have a better awareness of their physiological processes
Better identify the behaviour and cognitions that influence these physiological processes
better control of stress-causing situations by enabling daily implementation of the learning achieved during the biofeedback sessions.

The efficacy of biofeedback has been particularly illustrated in anxiety, ADHD, chronic pain, epilepsy, migraines, hypertension, motion sickness and Raynaud’s disease. It has also proven its place in preparing and improving performance among athletes and artists (Yucha & Montgomery, 2008)

Both biofeedback and neurofeedback are offered as an alternative therapeutic approach to drug therapies (depending on the choice and possibilities of the patient), or as additional care.